Nosey Neighbors: How to Fix Your No Privacy at Home Issue

Are you tired of neighbors peering into your windows? Are you concerned about unwanted attention from passers-by?

Whether you live in a house or an apartment, privacy is a big deal. It allows you to feel safe, aids relaxation and inspires comfort.

So what do you do when you have no privacy at home? We have three solutions to help, so make sure to keep reading!

Screen in Your Patio

There’s nothing more relaxing than relaxing on your patio with a cold glass of lemonade and a good book. Until, that is, your nosey neighbor from next door sees that you’re outside. Next thing you know, you’ve spent the last 20 minutes nodding politely waiting for her to go back inside.

But what if you didn’t have to sacrifice your quality patio time? Makeshift screens are the perfect solution!

There are two easy ways to create a screened-in patio:

The first is to buy an actual mesh patio screen. You can find rolls at your local hardware store.

If you’re looking for something faster, easier, and more affordable, you can hang a curtain rod from the front of your patio and use curtains to create a screen. Whenever you’re done, just pull back the curtains or roll and tie them up!

Frost Your Windows

Not every home or apartment comes with gorgeous views to die for. Sometimes, you’re stuck looking directly back at your neighbors. The result can be awkward, to say the least.

Fortunately, windows are some of the easiest fixes!

For starters, you can add a thin layer of film, known as frosting. Window frosting blurs visibility from the outside while still allowing for natural light to flow in.

They’re also perfect for home window tinting for privacy at night. Now all your neighbors will see is a fuzzy-looking silhouette!

You can learn more about the frosting process at

If you’d rather not block your windows out completely, you can also add drapes or curtains. Like window frosting, it’s an affordable option. Plus, you can pick up the materials at your local Target or Walmart.

Decorate Your Walls

Anyone who has ever lived in an apartment with thin walls can tell you that you’re going to get to know your neighbors whether you want to or not. And in some cases, you’ll learn quite a few things you probably hoped to never know.

You won’t be able to completely fix the issue, but one way to add a little home privacy to your dwelling is to add sound-dampening materials to your walls.

Things like thick blankets or flags or foam paneling can help you keep your conversations private. Plus, it’s a quick and affordable way to add some pizzazz to your walls, making it a win-win!

No Privacy at Home? Not Anymore!

Struggling with privacy is no fun, to say the least. If you’re fed up with having no privacy at home, these tips and tricks should get the job done.

Each of the above options is easy and affordable enough that you can add privacy to your home in an afternoon or two!

For more advice on making your home cozy, be sure to follow our blog!