Lypossage 101: What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

Did you know that over 73% of adults over the age of 20 are overweight in the United States? If you are currently not happy with yourself when you look in the mirror and are ready for a change, you might want to look into lypossage. In this guide, we answer the question “what is lypossage?” and share the top benefits of going this route, plus more.

Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of lypossage.

What Is Lypossage?

This is a manual body contouring treatment that came about from a mix of complex physical therapy techniques (CPT), deep myofascial release protocols, deep lymphatic drainage, and other therapeutic massage techniques. Lypossage helps improve circulation and muscle tone.

It helps cleanse the lymphatic fluid that is stalled in the system. When this fluid is stalled it can create bulges and bumps. A reputable place that offers lypossage such as will work with special equipment to break up the adhesions that form under the skin and create cellulite.

Some of the top benefits of lypossage include:

  • Less cellulite
  • Inches loss
  • Not invasive
  • Results will last (with the right diet and exercise routine)
  • Body detox
  • Less expensive than cosmetic surgery

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive but these are the top benefits of opting for lypossage.

Parts of the Body That Respond to Lypossage

There are three body zones that will respond well to this type of body contouring. Zone number 1 includes the hips, lower abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Zone #2 is the back, upper abdomen, arms, neck, and chest.

Zone # 3 is the face, neck, and head. This is common for people looking for a natural facelift to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Lypossage Machine 411

Some therapists will choose to do everything manually with their own hands while others will use a Lypossage machine. The machine will assist the therapist with moving around the lymphatic fluids that are all over the human body. They apply pressure to the area that they are working on and help the fluids break down.

With the help of the machine, they push the fluids towards the lymphatic draining areas in the body.

How Long Before You See Results?

Usually, it takes between 8-10 sessions to see results but it depends on the area that is being worked on and your own diet and exercise regimen. Most sessions will last around 30 minutes per zone and are best done in a package of around 18 sessions. It is common to do 2-4 treatments per week and spread all the treatments out across 4-8 weeks.

Feeling Like a Lypossage Pro?

We hope that now that you know more about lypossage and its benefits you can make an informed decision whether or not this is the best option for you.

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