6 Home Renovation Projects You Should Hire a Contractor For

Are you a whiz with a hammer? Is your tool belt decked out with the best top-notch tools for every job around the house? If so, you might be a serial DIY’er.

Whether you want to believe it or not, some home renovation projects should be done by professionals. Keep reading to find our list of renos you should leave to a home contractor.

1. Roofing

Just because you own a ladder doesn’t mean you need to use it to do roof renos yourself. Roofers have the fifth-highest work-related death in construction. Falls are to blame for most of the deaths with electrocutions being the second most common.

Not only is tackling roof upgrades yourself dangerous, but it can be damaging, too. The roof is a very important part of your home and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can do serious damage. If you make a critical mistake, you could be looking at expensive repairs and insurance claims.

Roofing contractors have seen it all and will bring with them years of expertise. They can get the job done fast and safely.

2. Window Installation

While it may sound easy, window installation takes a lot of skill and patience. If you do a poor job of replacing your windows, your home will be at risk of leaks.

A window installer will come with all the necessary tools that you might not have on hand. They also know how to install a window to ensure a tight fit. It’s important to have the right windows to keep cool air in during the summer and out during the winter.

One of the best benefits of hiring out for your window installation is that they’ll clean up the mess they make. That’s one less thing you’ll have on your neverending homeowner to-do list.

3. Electrical Projects

Around 300 Americans die every year from electrocution. Most of these deaths are the result of on-the-job accidents. If you’re not familiar with electricity and currents, it’s best to leave these house upgrades to the pros.

Electrical work is one place you don’t want to cut corners. Shoddy work can lead to fires and electrical shock.

An electrician will know exactly what needs to be done to achieve the goal you’re striving for in your home. They’ll also provide you with long-term peace of mind and often lifetime warranties for their work.

4. Foundation Work

Your home’s stability relies on its foundation. It’s a vital structure that your home quite literally needs to stand. If yours has cracks, is crumbling, or is otherwise in need of repairs, it’s time to call the pros.

Opting to try to DIY the foundation can make the situation worse. A YouTube video won’t teach you everything you need to know to tackle this project.

Foundation repair contractors will know where to start with the repair and save you costs in the future.

5. Chimney Repairs

If you’re a handyman you may be able to do minor chimney and fireplace repairs. When it comes to looking past the surface of the masonry, however, it’s best to call the pros.

As a fireplace owner, you should be getting your chimney looked at every year before you start using it. This ensures there is no creosote building that can cause a fire risk down the road. Your inspector can determine if there are any cracks or wear that need fixing.

It’s worthwhile to look at your homeowner’s insurance to know what they require in regards to your chimney. Some companies need you to provide proof that your chimney and fireplace get maintenance and inspections every year. When you hire a professional chimney repair company, they’ll have the documentation you need to prove as much.

6. Asbestos Removal

Many homes that were built before the 1980s contain asbestos. It could be in your steam pipes, floor tiles, furnace door gaskets, soundproofing on your walls, or even in your shingles and siding. The problem with asbestos is that when we breathe it in at high levels, it can cause mesothelioma or asbestosis.

You definitely don’t want to be messing around with asbestos removal unless you have the right equipment. Professionals will know how to remove the offending features of your home to keep you safe.

7. Major Plumbing Jobs

Your home’s plumbing is an intricate and complex system. A bit of tinkering done incorrectly can equal a big mess and severe water damage. Dangerous mold can start growing within 24 hours so it’s best if you avoid DIY plumbing jobs altogether.

If there’s seepage or, worse, a mini flood in your home, water can reach your outlets, heaters, and power cords. This creates an electrocution hazard as that water will then become electrically charged.

You might be able to swap out sink fixtures, but we wouldn’t recommend going beyond that. The rest of the plumbing jobs in your home should be left to a local plumber.

8. Tackling Tile

It seems simple, doesn’t it? Lay a couple of tiles down, secure them into place, and voila. The truth is tiling takes skill and is a bit of an art form.

You need the right tools to take on a tiling project otherwise it’ll be very obvious that it was a DIY job. The wrong tools won’t make the clean cuts you need for a picture-perfect finish.

Every different type of tile has its own unique characteristics. A professional tiler will know which type to choose to fit the intended application.

Hire Out Some Home Renovation Projects

Listen, we’re not saying you have to hang up your toolbelt and burn all your home reno magazines. You can still take on DIY jobs, you just need to make sure they’re the right home renovation projects for your skill level.

There’s no harm in hiring contractors for the bigger jobs. You’ll be happier with the result and it’ll be easier on you in the long run!

Keep reading our blogs for more great advice to help you live your best life.