What cleaning products should you use if you are a dog owner?

Why should you be aware of what detergents are pet-friendly? Being a dog owner includes many responsibilities. We take care of our four-legged friends in many cases. We feed them with the best food and buy various gadgets and toys. All to make them live in the best possible conditions – surrounded by love and care.

What’s important – some things connected with our home space should also be taken into account. Have you ever heard about animal poisoning cases? It’s estimated that many tragic situations involving animals have occurred in homes. Why? Very often because of the chemicals we use to clean our homes on a daily basis. Why should we be so careful? What detergents are pet-friendly?

Everyday threats and how to avoid them

Accidents are common. Tragic animal poisonings occur because of toxic plants, people food or medicines. If the animal has access to things that can harm it, it can really end badly. That’s why it’s so important to either be extremely careful and keep your pets away from toxins, or simply avoid these types of products at home.

It’s known that traditional household detergents contain a lot of hazardous substances. Vets list ingredients in cleaning products that are especially dangerous to our four-legged friends. What can we find among them? Bleach, cationic surfactants, ammonia, formaldehyde and many, many others. All of these ingredients are easily found in most house cleaners. Are you sure you won’t find them in yours?

However, when it comes to limiting dogs’ access to traditional household cleaning products, things are a bit complicated. In this case, it’s not enough just to restrict the dog’s access to the place where we store cleaning products. For example, when you wash the floor with a traditional liquid, the animal will still be in constant contact with the surface covered with residual chemicals. Sometimes there is also a moment when we need to wash our dog’s bowl or toys. It really matters which products we use for it. How to clean safely? What detergents are pet-friendly, and what benefits in addition will they bring?

What detergents are pet-friendly?

We advise you to switch into natural solutions. Why exactly? First of all – organic detergents can handle dirt just like conventional ones. Secondly – most of them have been thoroughly tested for animal safety.

Organic-derived ingredients can beat all the mess with ease. In addition, they’re safe not only for our pets but also for the environment and all household members – including the youngest ones. A clean house and minimizing risks – it sounds like many benefits at once, right?

Dangers should be avoided, especially when traditional cleaning products rich in chemicals can cause many dangers to our dogs – such as some respiratory and kidney problems and even cancer. Therefore, it’s worth looking for products with pet safe marks. Thanks to it, you can be sure that the residue of the cleaning agent will not hurt your beloved four-legged friend.

Where to look for this type of product? More and more often, ecological solutions are replacing chemicals available in stationary stores. However, to make your search easier, it’s worth trying to look for pet-friendly cleaning products in online stores. The wide offer available in them allows you to easily equip your home with safe household agents – just see Aspen Clean products.

It’s very important to know what detergents are pet-friendly. It’s also worth remembering that harsh chemicals are really not needed to make your home shine. Natural solutions can bring many benefits, the greatest of which is that you don’t have to worry about anyone’s health. Especially –  your beloved dog.