What Are the Business Benefits of Outdoor Advertising?

Did you know that 71% of Americans look at billboards while driving? And 37% of people claim to look at an outdoor ad when they pass one?

If you are looking for a surefire way of growing your brand and boosting sales, then look no further than outdoor advertising.

If you are new to outdoor advertising, here is a list of 4 insane benefits of smart marketing with outdoor advertising.

  1. It Helps to Grow Your Brand

Outdoor advertising like billboards is still one of the very best ways to expand market reach within your area. The reason why they work so well is that they are to ignore, and they are usually in high foot traffic areas.

When people are exposed to your advertisements each and every time they set foot outside of their houses, or take their normal commute to work, your brand becomes a household name very quickly.

A company like Clear Channel Outdoor Advertising will help you make killer content that is both visually inspiring and positioned in the most effective areas in order to spread awareness for your brand.

  1. Outdoor Advertisements Still Convert Consumers

Despite being in the social media age, nothing quite converts like outdoor advertisements. Outdoor advertising lets you take advantage of the many people who get stuck in traffic every single day and promotes your brand at a time when you have their full attention.

In fact, according to studies, more than 60% of people claim to be converted by outdoor advertising. And many companies find they receive more people walking into their offices or stores to buy products, all thanks to the outdoor advertisement they just saw while out.

  1. It’s a Cost-Effective Way to Tap Into Local Markets

If you are a business that is trying to tap into a very specific local market, you can get affordable exposure from outdoor advertising. For example, the cost for the best banner advertising and outdoor advertising campaigns is between 6 cents to $8.99 per one thousand impressions.

That’s means, marketing to a local community may only cost you a few hundred or less, depending on the size of the area. When you compare this next to other forms of advertising like print or television ads, you could literally be saving a fortune every month on marketing.

  1. Offers You Amazing Exposure

Have you ever wondered why global companies like Nike and Coca-Cola spend so much money on outdoor advertising? It’s because they understand that having their customer regularly exposed to their brand will lead to brand recognition and sales.

To get this level of exposure, you need to have your outdoor advertisements in the more dense communities. The more people you can target with your advertising, the more chance you have of boosting your brand awareness and sales.

Want to Learn More About Outdoor Advertising?

As you can see from this post, outdoor advertising is an amazing way to boost sales in your business. It can often be an incredibly cost-effective way of growing your brand and you should definitely look to learn more about it.

Even though outdoor advertising is incredibly lucrative, it isn’t the only thing you need for success. Our blog offers readers like you the information you need to grow your business.

Check out the rest of our blog today for more value-packed posts just like this!