The Most Common Car Accident Injuries: A Simple Guide

Personal Injury Attorney

No one ever plans to get into a car accident. But with more and more distracted drivers on the road, we can find ourselves facing that reality.

A shocking 20-50 million Americans suffering non-fatal injuries in car accidents every year. So whether you get into a fender bender or something worse, it’s good to know the signs to look out for.

Read on for our guide to the most common car accident injuries.

Bruising and Whiplash

Make no mistake, seatbelts are total lifesavers in auto accidents. Never be tempted to go without because of what you’re about to learn. But the fact is that when you’re involved in a collision, seatbelts can cause serious bruising.

Whiplash occurs when your body is forced to move in unusual ways because of the force of a collision. The muscles and ligaments can be overextended and damaged. This usually occurs in the neck and back.

Bruises usually heal up without the need for medical intervention. But if you’re suffering from whiplash after a car accident, quickly search for an ‘emergency chiropractor near me‘. Whiplash can be very painful, and potentially long-lasting. Prompt attention is important.

Cuts and Scratches

In a car accident, everything in the car can potentially do you harm. Your phone may become a flying projectile and hit you in the face. Your sat nav might do the same.

Scrapes and cuts are usually some of the least serious auto accident injuries. Make sure you take good care of cuts. There is always the possibility of infection, which can lead to other complications.

Head Injuries

Many people who are injured in a car accident, especially those with head injuries, might not know it at first.

Some head injuries are obvious immediately. You might have symptoms like headaches, confusion, and slurred speech. But if you’ve been in any car accident, it’s important to monitor yourself for some time after. Symptoms may come on hours, or even days, later.

If you hit your head on any part of the car during the accident, you must seek immediate medical attention. The most common condition you could develop is a concussion. But a traumatic brain injury is also possible and could have life-changing or even fatal consequences.

Broken Ribs

Different types of car accidents exert different forces on the body. But one of the most common car accident injuries is broken ribs. The ribs are relatively delicate. In a car accident, they can collide with the door or steering wheel. The seatbelt restraint can also cause the ribs to break or crack.

If you experience pain in the chest while breathing or swelling around the ribs, then they are likely broken. If you have any suspicions, seek immediate medical help.

Common Car Accident Injuries Explained

Now you know the most common types of car accident injuries, you’re better equipped to care for yourself and others. Even better, each of us can play our part by driving as safely as possible at all times.

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