Most Common Pests to Find in Your Household and How to Deal With Them unwashed dirty dishes to late-night parties, most people have had a bad roommate experience before. Yet many people eventually discover that while human roommates can be challenging enough, they’re not as bad as another variety—pests.

Besides not paying rent, common pests can leave behind messes, and in some cases, even carry disease.

To help you understand who you’re sharing your space with, we’ve put together this guide. By the time you finish reading it, you’ll have the knowledge you need to get your pest problem under control.

Read on to learn about some of the top household pests you’ll want to watch out for.


Cockroaches are one of the most feared pests, and unlike some of the others on this list, their reputation is well-deserved. Cockroaches leave behind messes, contaminate food, stain surfaces, and can carry disease.

If you see a cockroach, there’s a good chance that there are many more nearby. The most efficient way to get rid of them is to call a pest control service.


Like cockroaches, seeing an ant is a sign that there are more lurking in other nearby places. Most of the time, they hunt for crumbs and other leftover food. Make sure that you don’t leave any of that behind.

If your home develops an ant problem, search around to find out what’s causing the problem. Most of the time, cleaning with some soapy water and a rag might be all you need to do.


Termites are some of the most destructive pests. They enjoy destroying everything from wooden decks to pieces of wooden furniture.

If you suspect that you have a termite infestation, make calling for help a priority. You’ll need professional assistance to ensure that you get rid of the termites—and that they don’t come back.


Mice might look cute, but they can be just as destructive as other pests. They leave behind droppings, make nests in inconvenient places, and chew through objects like pillows and old clothes.

You can try setting up traps to get rid of mice, but you can also work with rodent control professionals if you don’t want to deal with those.


Rats are the larger and scarier cousins of mice. They can chew through wires, steal food, and carry diseases like typhus and ratbite fever.

To rat-proof your home, make sure that you plug any holes in the foundation or roof. You’ll also want to find and eliminate their food source.

Watch Out for These Common Pests

Nobody wants to see pests in their home, but unfortunately—they’re a part of life. The important thing is to know what you’re dealing with so you can take steps to get rid of them.

Use this guide on common pests to help you do just that. As soon as you suspect that you have an infestation, make sure to call a pest control service as soon as possible.

Are you looking for tips for handling frequently sighted pests? If so, spend some time checking out the rest of our site for more guides, tips, and explanations.