How to deal with a main clogged sewer and drainage line?

How to deal with a main clogged sewer and drainage line?

If you ever have a blocked main sewer line or drainage line, you’re going to want to act fast. A main sewer clog can cause major problems in your home, including flooding and damage to property. You must know how to recognize warning signs of a clogged main sewer and how to fix the problem as soon as possible. 

In this article we will go through the process of how to find where the blockage is located and how best to clean it with different tools and techniques.

Why is your sewer clogged?

A clogged sewer line can be caused by a variety of things. If you’re not sure what’s causing your drain to back up, here are some common culprits:

  • Household items such as baby wipes and other non-flushable items that enter the toilet. These should always be disposed of in the trash instead of going down the toilet.
  • Food particles or grease from cooking that gets flushed down the drain. This is especially true if you have an older system with smaller pipes and drains. It’s best to avoid putting anything but liquid waste down your drains at all times!

How to find the source of a sewer clog.

How to find the source of a sewer clog:

  • Use a sewer snake to clear the clog. A sewer snake is a plumbing tool that has an auger at one end, which can be used to push through and break up any large objects in your pipes. If you have an older home with clay pipe, this is generally what you’ll need to use first before trying anything else.
  • Use a drain auger to clear the clog. A drain auger has two prongs on it and uses water pressure from above or below ground level to push those prongs through whatever blockage exists in your line so they can grab onto whatever’s causing your problem and pull it out! Be careful though, the force created by using one could cause injury if not handled properly!

How to clean a clogged drainage line.

If you are dealing with a clogged main drain line and want to clean it yourself, start by using a snake to break up the blockage. If this doesn’t work, you will need to use a drain auger to remove the clog. If that doesn’t work either, then it is time for professional help!

What tools do you need to fix your drain lines?

  • Plunger: A plunger is a simple tool that you can use to unblock your drains. It’s effective at removing blockages from sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.
  • Snake: A drain snake or auger is another common tool used to unclog drains. The device has sharp blades inside it that spin around when you turn on water pressure from the faucet above your clogged drain line; this spins out any debris stuck down there so it can be flushed away by flowing water through your pipes.
  • Cable Auger: This type of cable auger is similar in function to those used by drainage experts but a smaller size makes it easier for DIYers who want an alternative solution without having to call professional help every time they have problems with their home plumbing.

The magnanimity of a clogged main sewer and drainage line

There are a lot of serious problems that can occur if your main sewer and drainage line is clogged. The first thing to consider is the damage it will cause to your home. If the blockage is severe enough, it could cause flooding in your basement or crawl space. This can also lead to mould growth in those areas if they become wet for an extended period.

In addition to these risks, there are health concerns associated with improperly functioning plumbing systems as well. In some cases, sewage backups into homes have put residents (and even tenants) at risk for serious illness or injury due to exposure to harmful bacteria found within raw sewage waste. 

Signs of a clogged sewer or drainage line

  • Gurgling sounds from drains or toilets
  • Foul odours emanating from drains
  • Water backups in sinks, showers, or tubs
  • Slow drainage in multiple fixtures

If you are experiencing slow drainage in multiple fixtures, this is a sign of a clogged main sewer and drainage line. You can determine if the problem is in your main line or one of its branch lines by following these steps:

  • Check all pipes leading from your home’s exterior to see if any are cracked or broken. If they are, call Woking drainage services to fix them immediately so water doesn’t leak into the surrounding soil.
  • Flush each fixture (toilet, sink) with cold water for at least 30 seconds to help loosen any blockages that may be present inside it before attempting other solutions listed below

If you hear gurgling sounds coming from your drains or toilets, it’s a sign that there may be a clogging problem. This can be caused by tree roots, grease buildup and other debris in pipes. It could also mean there’s something wrong with the pipe itself. If this happens to you, call Woking drainage experts as soon as possible so they can fix the issue before it becomes worse!

If your drains are emitting foul odours, it could be caused by several things. The most common causes are:

  • A main sewer clog
  • A clogged drain line
  • A blocked vent pipe (for example, in the bathroom) or dryer vent (in kitchens)

If you notice water backups in sinks, showers, or tubs, it could be a sign that your main sewer and drainage line has become clogged. The damage this can cause to your home can be extensive: not only will you have to pay for repairs but also any items damaged by the backup will need replacement as well. Additionally, if there’s been any standing water for an extended period (which is common when dealing with main sewer lines), mould growth may occur as well.

Preventive measures

  • Keep your home clean and free of debris.
  • Use a garbage disposal if you have one.
  • Clean the garbage disposal regularly to prevent clogs from forming in the drain line.
  • Do not pour grease down the drain, as this can cause serious clogs if not disposed of properly.
  • Use a garbage can with a lid to prevent flies from nesting in it making it difficult for you to clean out later on when needed! Also, remember not to leave things like wet towels on floors overnight either. This will only contribute towards further blockages down the road.

In a nutshell

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s probably time to get in touch with a professional. You can find one by looking in the phone book or online. Make sure they have experience dealing with main sewer clogs because this is not an easy problem to fix!

For expert assistance and long-term drainage solutions, visit our website today. Don’t let clogs disrupt your home—get professional help now!