Debunking the Most Common Assisted Living Myths That Exist Today

Over 800 million Americans reside in assisted living communities. Even so, there are lots of myths out there about assisted living that gives seniors and their families pause about considering it as an option.

It’s important to debunk these myths and learn the truth about how these facilities can help seniors. Keep reading to learn the truth about five of the most common assisted living myths that exist today.

Myth 1: Assisted Living is Only for Sick or Disabled Seniors

People often confuse assisted living with nursing homes. While both provide elderly care, they are two different things. Nursing homes are usually where people who are sick or injured live. Residents receive medical care or rehabilitation services, and rooms often have a setup like a hospital room.

Assisted living is for seniors who need limited care or help with performing daily tasks that may be difficult to do by themselves. In assisted living, you only get the care you want and need. Some examples are; help getting dressed, medicine management, or help in the kitchen.

Myth 2: Seniors Lose Their Independence and Privacy

Assisted living communities are set up like normal apartment complexes. They are designed to make seniors feel as independent as possible. Residents are able to furnish their apartments and have control over the locks on their apartment doors.

You can rest assured that no one will ever enter a senior’s apartment without their prior knowledge and consent. Assisted living staff work with individuals to set up a support schedule and ensure privacy is always respected.

Myth 3: Seniors Don’t Get to Do Their Hobbies

Assisted living communities offer a wide range of activities and wellness opportunities. Residents in a retirement community choose which activities they want to participate in. Residents are never forced into activities.

Some luxury assisted living communities even provide open facilities for resident’s preferred activities. This gives them the chance to keep up with their favorite hobbies.

Myth 4: Seniors Can’t Go Anywhere

The opposite is true. Assisted living aims to maximize independence and help residents remain part of their community. Many assisted living communities offer transportation services to shopping centers and various events.

Any senior that is a licensed driver is permitted to use their car. This allows residents to run errands on their own, visit family and friends, or take part in any activity outside of the residence.

Myth 5: Seniors Feel Lonely or Isolated

With all the social activities to choose from, there is no need to worry about feeling lonely! Seniors can easily connect with others living in the community.

Family members and friends are encouraged to spend time with their aging parents or other seniors in their lives. Many communities even allow pets, which means your pet can keep you company 24/7.

The Truth About Assisted Living

It’s important to be able to distinguish the difference between the truth and myths of assisted living. While it can be challenging for a senior to move out of their home, finding a community that suits their needs can be very rewarding in the long run.

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