5 Beneficial Reasons to Get Acupuncture in Charlotte NC

Thirty-six percent of American adults complement their traditional medicine with an alternative type of treatment. Perhaps you’re wondering if you should join their ranks.

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine. Practitioners tap thin needles into the body at certain points that are thought to stimulate the body’s central nervous system.

Now, how can this help you? Here are five reasons to try acupuncture in Charlotte NC – or anywhere else you may live.

1. Acupuncture is a Depression Treatment

In 2017, 17.3 million adults in the US had at least one major depressive disorder in that year. Clearly, depression is a pervasive issue — and it’s something with which acupuncture can help.

Many of the side effects of acupuncture aim to improve your mood — more on that later. But it’s also worth noting that acupuncture stimulates the vagus nerve, which causes the body to release a fleet of feel-good hormones. These include oxytocin, prolactin, and vasopressin, all of which can help you feel a bit better if you need it.

2. Acupuncture Can Lower High Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that acupuncture can reduce high blood pressure, too. Of course, you’ll want to ask your doctor first, but there is plenty of evidence that acupuncture can work well in conjunction with a more traditional treatment path.

3. Acupuncture Boosts the Digestive System

Acupuncture helps your body to release tension and enter into a restorative, healing state. This means you can sleep well after acupuncture. And when you rest, this is when your body finds itself in the right condition to digest efficiently, a side effect that’ll improve your sense of wellbeing, too.

4. Acupuncture Improves Your Energy

As we already mentioned, the experts at Lotus Acupuncture and other practitioners will help you rest and sleep deeply post-treatment. But acupuncture doesn’t just boost energy levels by helping you get shut-eye.

Acupuncture can also reduce physical discomfort and pain that’d otherwise keep you off your feet. So, with less achiness, you’ll be happy to get on your feet and get going — you’ll feel more energized than ever.

5. Acupuncture Helps You Heal

Whether you’ve had a lengthy labor, a long day’s work on your feet, or a bad night’s sleep on an old mattress, your body is in need of healing. Acupuncture can reduce the pain you feel after these and, really, any other activity.

The less pain you feel, the more likely it will be that you can return to your regular schedule of activities. And that’ll help you heal and move forward, both mentally and physically.

Time to Get Acupuncture in Charlotte NC

Now that you’ve read these benefits of acupuncture in Charlotte NC and beyond, you might be ready to try it yourself. The best part is, there are even more advantages to this age-old Chinese medicine than the ones listed above. All of them will make you feel better from the inside out — and make you a believer in acupuncture as an incredible tool for healing.

Be sure to check back with us for more advice and tips.