Why Recycling Technologies Is Important

What do you do when your smartphone stops working and you replace it? Where do you take your old televisions and old computers? Do you know what to do with your old technology?

Worldwide, we generate 40 million tons of electronic waste per year. Most of that is ending up in landfills–where it doesn’t belong.

Recycling technologies is crucial if we want to reduce our overall waste each year. It can protect our planet from devastating effects.

What’s the big deal about technology recycling? Read on to find out why recycling technologies is the right way to dispose of old tech–and why throwing old tech in the trash is a bad idea.

Technology Uses a Lot of Plastic

Your phone, computer, and television are all comprised of plastic and other recyclable materials like glass. The problem is that unlike many of the objects that we recycle from home, they are not made of one single material. In other words, they need to be taken apart so that these different materials can be separated, cleaned, and reused appropriately.

If you’re throwing away your technology, this isn’t occurring. Instead, all of these recyclable materials are ending up in over-used landfills and, unfortunately, in the ocean.

Technology Is Filled With Harmful Chemicals

It’s not just that we can reap tons of recyclable materials from our technology. Technology is also packed with harmful chemicals that we don’t want in our land and air.

In order to deal with excess waste, a lot of our landfill materials are incinerated. This releases chemicals like mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, selenium, and chromium into the air and earth.

Remember, even if a landfill isn’t located near your home, you will find landfills near someone else’s home. Improperly disposing of technology will cause pollution in occupied places, making these areas dangerous for its inhabitants.

Recycling Technologies Can Improve Your Brand Image

You may have noticed that more and more consumers want to know if companies are taking steps to reduce their waste. Many consumers prefer to spend their money only with businesses that do participate in green initiatives.

When you recycle your technology through e-wasteonline.com, you can prove to your consumers that you’re taking legal, environmental action to dispose of your old tech. This company will provide you with a full rundown on what was reusable, which parts were salvageable, and how any unusable components were disposed of.

Start Practicing Technology Recycling and Cut Down on Harmful Waste

We go through a ton of technology from year to year. Whether we want the newest smartphone or our old computer doesn’t work, we need to come up with an action plan to dispose of old tech. Recycling technologies is the only way to cut down on waste and protect the environment from our digital world.

Looking for more good advice? We have loads of it! Take a look around to find out what else you can do to better the earth, better your life, and get the most out of your time on this planet.