Portable AC vs. Window Unit: Which Is Better?

Have you noticed that it’s getting warmer outside? That’s because summer is almost here!

It’s been a long, hard winter, but now it’s time to head outside for sun and fun. This also means that you’re going to need to make sure to stay cool when you go into the house.

Obviously, not every house has central air. Because of this, you’ll have to find another way to keep things cool when things heat up. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for information about portable AC vs. window unit AC.

Keep reading to get the inside scoop on the best option for your home.

Understanding the Basics

Let’s start by discussing the basic differences between portable AC vs window AC.

The main thing to remember is that a portable unit is just what the name implies, a unit that can be moved around as needed. In other words, it can be moved from room to room depending on the needs for keeping your family cool. A window unit, on the other hand, must be permanently installed in a window.

Now let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Pros of Portable AC Units

Installing a portable unit is a simple matter of taking it out of the box and plugging it in. Thus you won’t need any special tools or have to worry about lifting your unit into place.

Portable units are also typically less expensive than window units, so this is a great option for anyone on a tight budget.

Cons of Portable AC Units

When it comes to the drawbacks of portable units, the biggest negative factor is that you’ll need to provide plenty of floor space in the room where you’re placing it, along with clearing away any furniture that might obstruct the airflow. Some portable units can also be a little loud.

Pros of Window AC Units

Unlike portable units, a window unit is installed out of the way, thus you won’t have to worry about making room for it on the floor. You also won’t have to worry about a vent because the warm air will be vented out the back of the unit.

It should also be noted that window units are typically more efficient than portable models, which will help reduce your monthly energy bill.

Be sure to check out Snyder’s Heating and Cooling.

Cons of Window AC Units

The cons of owning a window unit include the difficulty of installation. After all, this type of unit is heavy, so you’ll need some help. And while window units might be slightly less noisy than portable units, they are still significantly louder than traditional central air systems.

A Homeowner’s Guide to Portable AC vs. Window Unit AC

Staying cool during the summer should be a top priority for every homeowner. Fortunately, this guide to the pros and cons of portable AC vs. window unit AC will help make the process of keeping things cool indoors a little easier.

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