How You Should Sit at Your Desk

How You Should Sit at Your Desk

If you tend to spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, you should make sure you have a good posture at all times. This is because we were not made to spend hour after hour sitting down. What this means is that a poor posture can cause all kinds of problems. From back and neck pain to shoulder pain, poor posture can cause many issues.

Here’s how you should sit at your desk:

Have Some Back Support

You can potentially reduce the risk of getting a bad back by supporting it. A chair that has been adjusted correctly can help to support your back. Buy a chair that you can adjust easily. You should be able to change its position, height, and how far it tilts. When sitting, your knees need to be a little lower than your hips. You might also want to consider using a foot rest if you think it will help.

Make Adjustments to your Chair

Any physical therapist will tell you that your chair should be high enough so you can use your keyboard easily. You should have straight forearms and they should be level with the floor. Working this way can help you to prevent those nasty repetitive strain injuries.

Put Your Feet on the Floor

If you can, place your feet on the floor. If you cannot do this, consider getting a footrest. This will ensure you can rest your feet comfortably. When you do this, you’re much less likely to put a strain on your back, neck, and shoulders.

Make Sure Your Screen is at Eye Level

Ideally, your screen or screens should be situated at eye level. They need to be directly in front of you and approximately one arm’s length away. This is a good distance to use as it can help to prevent strains on your neck and eyes.

You might need to use a monitor stand if your screens are too low. If they are, you’ll have to bend your neck to look at them, and this can get quite uncomfortable after a while.

Place the Keyboard in Front of You

Your keyboard should always be directly in front of you. Don’t make the mistake of having it to one side. Try to leave between 4 and 6 inches between the edge of your desk and the keyboard. This will help you to rest your wrists and prevent repetitive strain injuries. Make sure that your arms are bent in an L-shape and your elbows are always located by your side.

If you want to, you can use a wrist rest to help you to keep your wrists at the same level as your keyboard is. Consider using an ergonomic keyboard if it helps. A keyboard such as this can help to support your wrists and arms.

Use the above tips to help you to sit correctly at your desk. They can help to prevent strains and sprains that occur as a result of a bad posture.