A Quick Guide on How to Build a Personal Brand on TikTok

TikTok is a huge sensation: around 800 million people use TikTok every month. This means that TikTok represents a massive market and one that you need to be accessing.

In this guide, we’re going to take a look at how you can do just that by taking advantage of some brand building tips that can help you build your audience and boost your reputation.

Are you ready to learn how to build a personal brand on this hot app? Then read on and learn more!

  1. Define What Your Brand Is About

TikTok isn’t about being fake. If you want to succeed on TikTok, you need to be authentic and show what your brand is really about. To give you an example of what this means: if you’re building a cooking brand on TikTok, don’t try to go viral doing the latest dance.

You need to define your brand quite strictly if you want to succeed at social media marketing on TikTok.

Are you trying to build a brand that’s all about fun? Do you want to motivate people? Do you want to entertain?

Think about your aims and focus on achieving them, rather than chasing the latest trend.

  1. Use Hashtags

Yes, we did just say that you shouldn’t chase trends, and now we’re talking about hashtags. Wait a moment, let us explain.

While you shouldn’t hook your video onto a hashtag that has nothing to do with its contents, if there’s a trending hashtag that is relevant to your specific field, topic, or who you are, as an individual, then feel free to use that on your videos.

Using hashtags on your videos is a great way to attract new viewers who might otherwise never find you.

  1. Post Regularly

The most popular TikTok users tend to publish at least one video per day. You need to do this too if you want to attract a big following. If you don’t post often enough, people won’t come back to your channel, and your videos are less likely to show up when people are swiping through their feed.

This might sound like a big commitment, but it really isn’t. There’s a slightly DIY-esque amateurishness to most TikToks that makes them endearing: you don’t need to take hours to make a video.

  1. Stick to a Style

If you want to increase TikTok followers, you need to be consistent. Pick a filter, colors, and themes that will define your videos. People like a certain amount of predictability, so find something that works for you and stick with it.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever experiment. Just don’t do it every video.

Build a Personal Brand With Our Top Tips

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this quick look at how to build a personal brand on TikTok. Put them into practice and you’ll be able to cultivate a style, a brand, and start building your following.

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