Why You Should Get a Traffic Accident Lawyer

7 Times You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

To hire a traffic accident lawyer or to not hire a traffic accident lawyer? This question passes through every person’s mind when they are involved in a car accident.

Often, people don’t seek legal help when they’re involved in a car crash. They could feel guilty suing the at-fault party. Or, they could be hesitant because they think suing is unnecessary if they have minimal damages and injuries.

We’re here to tell you that these are never good reasons to turn down getting a car accident lawyer. Stop debating and read this before you search “car accident lawyer near me” to learn why it’s so important to hire an auto accident attorney after being involved in a car crash.

Small Crashes Can Lead to Big Injuries

People involved in auto collisions often experience whiplash. A rear-impact collision of as low as 8 MPH can result in whiplash.

Whiplash is a dangerous injury not only because it can happen at such a low speed, but also because whiplash symptoms don’t always show up right away. Meaning, you can walk away from a car accident feeling fine only to start experiencing pain days or weeks later.

Limited Time to File Personal Injury Claim

Many people put off filing a personal injury claim if they believe they have minimal damages and injuries, only to find out their damages and injuries are more serious and costly later on. It is common for these people to be told that they now can’t file a personal injury claim because the statute of limitations has expired, meaning that they’ve missed their chance to get financial compensation for their damages and injuries.

The statute of limitations to file a personal injury claim in the state of Virginia is two years from the date of your car accident. Even if you feel as if you’ve walked away from it with minimal damages and injuries, you should still seek the advice of a car accident attorney. In the event your damages and injuries become worse later, you don’t want to miss out on the compensation you deserve.

Find the Right Traffic Accident Lawyer for You

If a traffic accident in Fairfax, VA leaves you injured, reach out to an auto accident lawyer at Rodriguez Law Firm. Rodriguez Law Firm is Northern Virginia’s leading legal practice with a specialization in personal injury law. Let Rodriguez Law Firm handle the hard work so that you can focus on your recovery.

Get the Compensation You Deserve

When you’re involved in a car crash, you want a traffic accident lawyer on your side. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve for your damages and injuries.

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