Top 7 Factors to Consider When Choosing Braces for Kids

For the most part, children having braces put on stands as a coming of age event in any kid’s life. Most children need braces to fix those adult teeth that have come in crooked and crowded. Braces are a big event in any child’s life.

Many different responsibilities come along with having those braces put on their teeth. While braces have the intent of improving dental health, you also need to make sure that you and your child are ready for everything that comes along with their braces. Braces aren’t quite an easy transition for children.

If you’re considering choosing braces for kids, it’s time to take a look at certain aspects that come along with this dental work. Here are 7 things you may want to think about before you make that orthodontist appointment. Before you make that appointment, make sure your child is ready for the responsibility.

1. Are Braces Needed?

Several reasons may require your child to need braces. These reasons range in your child’s braces being elective or being required for your child’s oral health. Your child’s dentist will help you to decipher where your child falls on this list.

A few of the reasons that your child may need braces could be because their adult teeth have grown through crooked or even crowded. They may even have so much overcrowding in their mouths that they are not able to floss.

Another area that may indicate that your child needs braces is issues when it comes to their bites. Overbites and underbites are great reasons to find out more about having braces put on for your child.

Be sure to discuss with your child’s dentist what they think is best for their oral health. They will be a great resource when it comes to you making your final decision.

2. Are Braces Feasible for Your Budget?

They tell you to put away a college education fun, but they should also include a braces treatment budget. Braces are not the most affordable things for every family. The price of braces can be upward of $1,500.

Before you decide that braces are the best option for your child, you may want to discuss how much you can put aside for this dental treatment. Your child’s orthodontist should be able to give you a rough estimation of what your bill will look like when the braces are placed on their teeth.

3. What Type of Braces Are Right for Your Child?

Unlike when you were young, braces now have many different options that children can consider. No longer is the only decision to be made the colors for braces. No, the options now consist of many different types of braces.

Invisalign, ceramic, and metal are just a few of the options that your child’s braces could come in. The decision when it comes to the type of braces put on your child’s teeth should be discussed with the orthodontist. Choosing an orthodontist for your kids can be a big decision.

4. Is Your Child Ready to Change Their Diet?

Many food items are included on a list that cannot be consumed while your child has braces on their teeth. Be sure to talk over these diet changes that your kids will want to keep in mind.

Things such as sticky foods and candy are not the best idea while your child has braces. They also may need to be careful with chips and nuts. You and your child may want to go over a meal plan for the duration of their braces time.

5. Prepare for Pain and Discomfort

Many children complain about pain through the time they have their braces on. You will want to prepare your child for their mouths to hurt after regular braces maintenance. Braces aren’t always a comfortable situation for children.

Be sure that your child knows that the pain means that their braces are working. It is a great indication that the braces are working and their teeth are shifting and moving into the places that the orthodontist expects them to be in.

Discussing the pain that comes along with braces will prepare your child for what is to come. They will not be surprised by the pain that comes from all of the tightening and elastics.

6. Are They Mentally Prepared?

Is your child mature enough to handle the responsibility that comes with braces? Can they handle all of the close monitoring and cleaning that comes with having braces? This is something you may want to talk over with your child and their orthodontist.

Braces can be a complicated responsibility. Your child is going to need to understand what is required of them at all times while the braces are on their teeth.

7. Will They Be Ready for a Retainer?

Do you know how your child will handle aftercare? Orthodontic care does not end once the braces come off. Your child will still be responsible for taking complete care of their teeth.

Will your child be able to handle a retainer? A retainer will prevent those teeth from slipping back into the crooked state they have been straightened out from. Before you have those braces put on your child you may want to talk about responsibilities.

Make sure that your orthodontist offers aftercare. They should be ready to support you and your child in the journey that takes place after the braces come off.

Choosing Braces for Kids Is a Big Decision

When you’re choosing braces for kids you want to make sure that you and your children are ready for all of the responsibilities that come along. Talk with your child about how they feel about having braces put on.

Don’t forget to choose an orthodontist that you and your child can both trust!

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