Tips For Finding A Good Locksmith In PERTH WA | Guide To Hiring A Professional

Tips for finding a good locksmith in PERTH WA

Whether you want to replace your physical lock with an electronic one, duplicate keys for each member of the family, or whatever reason it might be, hiring a locksmith is a matter of family or business safety or security.

Needless to say, there are a plethora of locksmith services available out here in Perth. But are all of them reliable? How would you know that they’ll not leave you in a tight spot?

To make sure you are appointing a professional and reputable locksmith, today we have gathered for you the tips for finding a good locksmith in PERTH WA. Points like background research, credibility, 24/7 service, quotations, etc. have been discussed

Let’s take a look!

Tips For Finding A Good Locksmith In PERTH WA

Here are some of the preliminaries and preparations you need to do for finding a good locksmith here in Perth:

Tips for finding a good locksmith in PERTH WA


1.Do a few background studies

Prior to hiring a locksmith, look up the reviews online or ask locals about their experience. Fair quotation, efficiency, proper credentials, working experience, utmost security, standard services are some of the key factors you need to keep an eye on. 

Go for the services that are available close by and are committed to get to you apace at the time of need. There are a lot of locksmiths around, check them out at  mobile locksmiths Perth

2.Recruit a locksmith who is accredited and licensed

Before recruiting your locksmith, check if he has appropriate credentials and is trade qualified. The one with a Security Employee License verifies that he can undertake the responsibility properly. Also make sure he is WA police license, clear of all criminal records.

Locksmiths who are a member of the MLAA(Master Locksmiths Association of Australia) or LGA( Locksmith Guild of Australia) abide by the customary code of conduct and are licensed to operate under the legislature. A CM3 registered locksmith will practice WHS ( Work Health and Safety) while doing his work.

3.Ensure that the range of service is premium

Go for the locksmith that provides high-quality service and practices safety while operating. Some offer you multiple lock services. And some will offer service for emergency hours too.

You might need them for work like rekeying locks, installing them, duplicating the keys, fixing electronic locks. In such cases, if you know what your locksmith specializes in, they’ll come in handy.

4.Compare quotations

Make a note of the quotations that various locksmiths offer. But don’t fall for cheaper rates, take their operation mechanism and features into consideration as well. Confirm that the estimation is inclusive of all the charges.

Ask for a written copy of the quotation from your locksmith. Because a few of them might charge additional national fees later. In such cases, you can show them the written copy. 

5.Go for the ones that provide service around the clock

Availability of the locksmith 24/7 is important just in case you need service immediately. This facility outweighs the additional expense as you are ten relieved of mishaps that might happen in odd hours.

6.Ensure insurance cover

During their performance, if the locksmith company damages any of your property, then they have to repay for it if they have an insurance cover.

7.Make sure transaction is documented

While paying the locksmith, make sure to keep the documents of the transaction so that you don’t have to go through any legal issues later.

Final Thoughts

The tips for finding a good locksmith in Perth WA, rounded up above will help you to get an idea of what terms and services an ethical and putative locksmith company offers.

A good locksmith will have cent percent transparency on his work history and service. He’ll provide you with all the information and make sure his customer is satisfied. 

However, the final call is always yours. We suggest you go with your instincts while finalizing a lock after the initial contact. If he seems shady to you in spite of fulfilling most of the criteria mentioned above, the deal should be canceled right away. After all, the satisfaction of the customer prioritizes anything else.