The Types of Pests That Pose the Biggest Threat to Your Home

Over 28 million homeowners reported having had a pest problem in their homes in the year 2020. Knowing how to deal with pests is essential, as there are many different types, and each requires a different approach to exterminate. If left unchecked, a pest infestation can cause severe health and structural problems.

Today, we will look at the most common types of pests and the problems they may cause.

Cockroaches- Spreading Diseases

The most dangerous bug infestation is that of the cockroach. A female cockroach can lay up to 244 eggs during her lifetime. Some cockroaches may carry deadly diseases like dysentery, leprosy, and cholera.

They like to live in warm conditions, but in reality, cockroaches can survive in almost any condition. They are also tricky to eradicate, so contacting a professional pest control company is your best bet to eliminating them once and for all.

Termites- Eating Your Home

Another annoying bug infestation is that of termites. Fortunately, they don’t carry any harmful disease, unlike cockroaches. The problem with this pest infestation is that they cause structural issues within your home.

They eat the inside of any wood found in your home, often leaving it hollow. If left unnoticed, this can cause walls to crumble down over time. Termite control can be time-consuming, but it depends on how much they’ve spread in your home.

Bed Bugs- Living on Your Bed

Bed bugs are one of the few types of pests that live off humans’ and mammals’ blood. That’s why they are considered parasitic organisms, meaning they feed off of others. Having this bug infestation can be challenging to spot as they are tiny and difficult to see.

They feed during the night and leave tiny bites on the host. A pest control company may need to fumigate the entire home to eradicate this pest infestation. You may also need to throw away your mattress as they burrow deep into it.

Woodlice- Wreaking Havoc on Gardens

Woodlice, also known as Pillbugs, like to live in areas with lots of moisture, making gardens the perfect breeding ground for them. It’s important to note that Woodlice are beneficial for the ecosystem as they eat dead plant matter.

The issue is when their population is left uncontrolled, and they begin overbreeding. Once this happens, the woodlice may start to eat the healthy plants since there isn’t enough dead plant matter to go around. Some products can help you deal with the problem, such as woodlice traps.

Of course, sometimes these traps aren’t very effective, so you may need professional help to control the pest infestation.

Be Quick to Deal With All Types of Pests

As we’ve seen, several types of pests can affect our homes and health. We need to take quick action if we want to avoid the dangers of pests, like diseases or structural issues. Fortunately, you can eradicate any pest infestation with a professional pest control company.

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