A Look into Naturopathy: What Is Naturopathic Medicine? 

What Is Naturopathic Medicine

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Those who have been diagnosed with an illness, whether they are serious, chronic, or just general unwellness, often seek out treatment options and alternate medical care.

Naturopathic medicine is a form of healthcare that combines traditional natural medicine methods with modern scientific knowledge and information. While naturopathic medicine focuses on natural care, it does not dispute the success of modern medicine; rather, it works as an alternate and supplemental form of care alongside it.

Still, information about naturopathic medicine is often misunderstood, and many are unaware of its full benefits. This article will take a further look into naturopathy and what it can do for you.

Seeking Naturopathic Care

Today, naturopathic treatment is more respected and understood, and naturopathic doctors are seeing a growing number of patients interested in their care. The practice itself is growing as well, making access to their care more widely available. In Canada, for example, there are roughly 2500 naturopathic doctors and growing, making searching for a “naturopath in Vancouver near me” an easier search than ever before. Many operate as independent practices but also practice within hospitals and health centres across the country!

Methods of Naturopathic Treatment

Naturopathic treatments focus on the body for a while, believing in the body’s ability to support and heal itself from many ailments that face us. Depending on the nature of your visit, some of the natural therapies that may be offered include:

  • Botanical medicine
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Homeopathy
  • Lifestyle change and habit-breaking suggestions
  • Naturopathic manipulation
  • Traditional Chinese medicines

Comparing Naturopathic Care With Conventional Medicine

While both conventional and naturopathic doctors aim to treat their patients to be their healthiest physical condition, their treatment approaches are different. Naturopathic doctors focus on the physical, environmental, emotional, and lifestyle aspects of a patient and try to treat these aspects through natural therapies like the above. Conventional doctors, however, often try to treat symptoms using pharmaceutical and surgical methods.

Both methods of medicine are valid and do not compete with one another. In fact, naturopathy often works alongside conventional treatments to help create a better balance of life. For example, those with diabetes require conventional care and medicine like insulin but will also benefit from naturopathic suggestions like nutritional care, exercise plans and other lifestyle changes.

For others, many conventional pharmaceuticals or medical care can come with unwanted side effects or take a heavy toll on the body, such as those requiring heavy pain medications or going through cancer treatments. Naturopathic therapies and treatments can work alongside these intensive treatments to keep the body in its best possible state and reduce the negative effects of the treatments.

Those with medicinal allergies or potential dependency issues may also seek naturopathic treatment as a means to avoid the conventional pharmaceutical treatments that will come with unwanted side effects.

With the ever-increasing number of people seeking out naturopathic medicine, soon, this form of healthcare treatment will no longer be referred to as “alternative medicine” but held on the same level as mainstream conventional medicine and healthcare.