7 Simple Advantages of Listening to Podcasts

Over 32% of Americans enjoy listening to podcasts at least once a month—are you one of them?

Podcasts are audio recordings of stories, news, conversations, or insights and can be fascinating to listen to. There are thousands of podcasts out there, so you can find one on just about any topic you can imagine.

Curious about some of the best reasons to check out podcasts? If so, keep reading to find seven great advantages of listening to podcasts.

1. You’ll Learn Something New

One of the greatest benefits of podcasts is that they’ll help you learn something new—in a fun way! With podcasts, you hear the news, stories, tips, and advice, straight from experts in the field.

For example, want to get involved with real estate investing? If so, learn more here about this podcast.

Or, want to find out more about science, history, feminism, or food? You guessed it—you can find podcasts on those topics as well.

Many listeners love podcasts because they’re so educational and timely. With many podcasts coming out daily, you’ll always be on the cutting edge of the latest news.

Podcasts can be great for kids and teens as well, as they can help them learn something new and is a productive way to use their smartphones.

Lifelong learning is important for adults, as it keeps our minds sharp.

2. Podcasts Are Great While Multitasking

Another great thing about podcasts—they’re ideal for those who love multitasking. Want to read a book, but just don’t have the time?

Instead, check out an awesome podcast. You can listen to podcasts anywhere—while driving, walking to work, or while checking your emails.

Pop on your headphones while working and enjoy a podcast while you sort through emails, as it can make the workday fly by. Many people love the convenience and flexibility of podcasts, since you can start and stop them and listen to them on the go.

3. Some of the Most Popular Podcasts Are Hilarious

In need of a good laugh? If so, you can’t go wrong with a podcast!

Some podcasts are so funny, out there, and silly, that you’ll find yourself laughing for days.

We should all make time to laugh each day. It’s an instant boost to your mood, strengthens your immune system, and releases endorphins, helping you feel better.

You can search for podcasts online in the ‘humor’ or ‘comedy’ category, so you’re sure to find one that keeps the belly laughs coming.

4. Give Your Eyes a Rest

The nature of our modern world means that we spend a lot of time in front of screens. Whether we’re behind the computer, on our smartphones, or watching TV, too much screen time can be bad for our health.

It can cause eye strain, headaches, and dry and irritated eyes. We should all give our bodies a break from screen time—podcasts can be a great alternative!

Don’t watch a movie or read a book on your Kindle—listen to a podcast instead. You can even listen as you walk or exercise outdoors, as we can all benefit from more fresh air.

5. Stimulate Your Brain

If you want to keep your brain active, turn off Netflix! Binge-watching shows and movies is ok to do on occasion, but it shouldn’t become a nightly occurrence.

It’s better to give your brain some stimulation with the help of a fascinating podcast. Podcasts can give you new ideas, challenge your worldview, and even provide food for thought on controversial topics.

Why not challenge yourself to learn something new each week, thanks to a podcast?

6. Podcasts Make for Great Conversation Starters

Do you find it hard to start conversations sometimes? Whether you’re getting into dating or wanting to connect with your workplace colleagues, podcasts can be a great way to start.

Listening to a great podcast can help you converse with anyone—why not ask them if they’ve listened to it, or if they have a favorite podcast? They make for interesting talking points, no matter where you are.

7. They’re Free

Another awesome thing about podcasts is that you can listen for free! Unlike books and movies, which can quickly add up in price, you can find podcasts online for free.

If you have Spotify (even the free version), or another streaming service, you can find thousands of podcasts to select from. Depending on your platform, you might need to listen to the occasional ad, but it’s worth it since you can enjoy the podcast for free.

We love that podcasts are free and so accessible, as it makes it easy for everyone to benefit. Even without a smartphone, you can listen to podcasts online via your computer or even at your local library. ,

Start Listening to Podcasts Today—You’ll Love Them!

With so many great reasons to tune in, are you ready to start listening to podcasts? If so, your first podcast is only a download away!

Research podcasts online or ask friends and family for recommendations. Then, download your first episode and start listening—we bet you’ll be hooked!

A great podcast can be much more entertaining than listening to the radio or working in silence on your laptop, so think about how you can incorporate podcasts into your daily routine—you might be surprised at what you learn!

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