5 Essential Things to Do When Your Roof Is Leaking

Many people aren’t aware of roofing issues until it is too late. While it may be tempting to ignore a little leak in your home, it can have a big impact on your finances if left unchecked. Water damage can escalate quickly, and if you need a new roof it can be costly and range from $6500-20,000 which is a significant expense.

Do you have a leaky roof? Don’t wait to deal with it! There are several important steps to take if your roof is leaking, so check out these top five things to do to handle this emergency.

1. Stop the Spread of Water

If your house has sprung a leak, the first thing to do is to contain the water. Stop it from spreading by grabbing buckets, pans, or whatever is handy and put it under the leak. Mop up any excess water on the floor with towels and try to keep surfaces as dry as possible.

2. Move Objects Away

The next step is to move any furniture or objects out of the path of the leak. While you may have ceiling or floor damage, this will at least keep your stuff safe and dry in case the leak expands. If things got wet, make sure you put them somewhere that they can dry properly to prevent mold and mildew from setting in, especially if they have fabric.

3. Take Photographs

One important step that many people forget is to take photos of the roof and the leak. This is useful to show to the roofing company that will come out to fix your roof. But most importantly, you need to document the leak for your home insurance company to provide evidence for your home insurance claim.

4. Cover the Leak

If it is safe to do so, put a tarp over the leak on your roof to prevent further water from coming in. This can help protect not only your roof but also the inside of your home until you can get a roofing professional out to fix it.

5. If Your Roof Is Leaking Call a Roofer

Got roofing problems? A reputable roofing company will know how to handle an emergency roof repair. Don’t ever try repairing a roof on your own, since you could put your health and safety at risk along with your roof.

Ready to Repair Your Roof?

Now that you’ve learned the top things to do if your roof is leaking you can be proactive to avoid a roofing disaster. Make sure you contain the leaking water with a bucket or pan and move all furniture and other objects away from the leak to avoid ruining them with water damage. But you should never try to fix a leaky roof yourself–leave that to an experienced professional roofing company.

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