11 Incredible Advantages of Moving to Canada

With all the turmoil in the United States, many people are considering moving to Canada. Canada is considered one of the best places to immigrate. It has a ton of employment and personal growth opportunities as well as beautiful scenery and a melting pot of culture.

If you’re on the fence about living in Canada, here are all the reasons to move there as soon as possible.

  1. Canda Has Loads of Space

Canada is huge. It’s the second-largest country in the world, only beaten out by Russia. There is so much more space to spread out and live in, no matter what part of Canada you choose to settle down in.

Homes, even single-family homes like these, tend to be bigger.

Toronto and other big cities are crowded and busy. But there is still much more space to stretch out in!

  1. Canadians Are Just Happier

Canada is considered one of the happiest countries in the world. Canadians have a much higher level of happiness because of things like access to free healthcare, more safety, the local scenery, and higher income.

While every country, no matter how happy the citizens are, has its pros and cons, Canada is one of the best countries to live in.

  1. Superior Healthcare

You can apply for public health insurance in Canada if you are a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen. You don’t have to pay for most health care services because they are already paid for by taxes. Most health care services are covered under this insurance.

Even if you don’t have public health insurance, you get free emergency medical services for free. You may have to pay, depending on your immigration status. But either way, if you’re having a medical emergency, you can go to any hospital and get services even if you don’t live in that province.

  1. Natural Resources Abound

Canada is full of gorgeous scenery. It is covered in national parks, forests, and it even holds 7% of the world’s renewable water supply.

It has almost every kind of natural environment and landscape out there. You can get to oceans, lakes, rivers, prairies, waterfalls, mountains, forests, and just about any other kind of environment.

Canada is the perfect home for you if you like to camp, fish, hunt, or spend time outdoors.

  1. Kinder Neighbors

Thanks to all the benefits of living in Canada, Canadians are just plain nice. They’re friendly, funny, easy-going, welcoming, polite, and kind. Canada has a nation full of people with good manners who are extremely polite.

If you’ve ever watched TV shows where Canada plays a role, you’ve probably heard the jokes about how nice Canadians are. But these are so much more than jokes. It’s the truth!

If you’re moving from the US where people tend to be moodier and less polite, going to Canada will feel like you’re on a different planet.

  1. Diversity Wins!

In addition to being kinder and happier, Canadians are also more diverse. Canada is known throughout the world for being a progressive and multicultural country. Canada doesn’t ask any citizen to forget their values, traditions, culture, or language.

Walking down the streets of Toronto, you’ll hear over 140 languages spoken. Neighborhoods in big cities can feel like you’re visiting entirely different countries.

People from all around the world move to Canada to reap the benefits of living there.

  1. Better Education

Canada isn’t afraid to spend a large chunk of its tax money on education. It spends more money per capita on education than any other nation in the world. It’s considered one of the most educated countries in the world as well.

Canada also has top universities full of teachers that are experienced and excited to teach. Canada is a great place to study abroad if you get the chance.

  1. Legal Marijuana

Another great reason to move to Canada is that marijuana has been legal there since 2018. There are limits to the amount of marijuana you can have on you in public. But it is legal to use marijuana.

You have to be 18 in Alberta, Canada, and 21 in Quebec to use marijuana. But throughout the rest of Canada, 19 is the legal age to use.

  1. A Strong, Stable Economy

While all of the benefits we’ve mentioned above are reasons enough to move to Canada, would you truly be happy there if you couldn’t earn a living? The answer is no. But luckily, that’s not a worry you have to have either.

Canada has one of the strongest economies in the world with tons of career choices and job opportunities. Canada has the most stable banking system in the world. This financial security means that Canada offers a better quality of life for most of the people who live there.

  1. Melting Pot of Culinary Culture

Thanks to the fact that Canada is a melting pot for people from all over the world, the food you can find in Canada can’t be beaten.

In bigger cities, you can find fine dining featuring food from all over the world.

If you want something traditionally Canadian, give Poutine a try!

  1. A Safer Place to Live

Lastly, Canada is an overall safe place to live. Thanks to the high education rates, loads of job opportunities, and friendly society, fewer people are drawn to a life of crime. This makes Canada one of the safest places to live.

Of course, Canada isn’t without crime and violence. But no country is. You can go to sleep at night knowing that you’re generally safer in Canada.

Thinking About Moving to Canada?

Moving to Canada could be one of the best choices you make in your life. There is less crime, more friendly people, and better job opportunities in Canada than just about everywhere in the world. If you can afford to move there and are looking for a change in scenery, you can make the move with confidence.

For more information about how to live your fullest life, keep reading!