Why You May Need Rubbing Alcohol and How to Buy it in the UK?

Why You May Need Rubbing Alcohol and How to Buy it in the UK

New research reveals that the average Brit spends two years cleaning their living spaces in a lifetime. The report further suggests that over 45% of people spend about 5 hours a week on domestic cleaning chores, and 31.5% dedicate 10 hours a week.

There are many homemade cleaning recipes that you can put in use to keep your home dirt-free. But it is best to consult a leading expert and use a top solution like rubbing alcohol UK. It helps keep your house spotless and has medical applications, much relevant to the prevailing pandemic situation. Here’s why you need to try rubbing alcohol and how to buy the best quality product in the UK.

You Can Use Rubbing Alcohol as An All-purpose Stain Remover

About 80% of UK households purchase instant coffee for in-home consumption, particularly senior citizens. Though a nice cup of coffee can make your day, when it spills, it creates stains that are quite difficult to remove.

Experts recommend mixing one part of rubbing alcohol with one-part water; you get a spray that you can store in a bottle and use the solution as an all-purpose cleaning agent. From coffee to ink stains, you can spray the rubbing alcohol-water mix on spots and then clean the surface with a cloth. You can try the same procedure for removing dirt stains off your clothes before laundering them.

You Can Use Rubbing Alcohol as A Window Cleaner

Sash, roof, and casement are some of the most popular window styles you can choose for your UK home. But maintaining them can be an uphill task.

Leading specialists suggest combining one pint of rubbing alcohol with two tablespoons of Ammonia and liquid dish soap. You can apply this solution to the window using a sponge. You can then rinse and dry the surface, thus ensuring clean windows.

You Can Use Rubbing Alcohol as A Bathroom Cleaner

Nearly 60% of UK households suffer from hard water, particularly in eastern and southern England. The hard water’s mineral content causes limescale deposits on the water fixtures, such as those in the bathroom.

Professionals typically advise wetting a cloth with rubbing alcohol and scrub away the unwanted mineral layer on the bathroom fixtures and other accessories. You can then buff with a dry paper towel to achieve a shiny look for your fittings.

Rubbing Alcohol Works as A Promising Tick Remover

Recently, for the first time, tick-borne encephalitis cases emerged in the UK. The infected pests were more in Thetford Forest and Hampshire-Dorset border.

Leading consultants confirm promising results when you use rubbing alcohol to knock out the tick, setting it loose, thus making its removal easy. You need to apply rubbing alcohol on a cotton piece, rub it over the bite area, and use tweezers to remove the pest.

You Can Use Rubbing Alcohol to Disinfect the Computer Keyboard and Mouse

As per 2019 statistics, there are over 350k programmers and software developers in the UK. These IT professionals work on computers, day in and day out, making the electronic devices, particularly the keyboard and mouse, the dirtiest items at home and office.

Field experts propose pouring some rubbing alcohol onto a clean cloth and wipe off the dirt from the keyboard and mouse surface. You can use a nominal percentage of rubbing alcohol solution that dries faster, thus avoiding potential water damage.

You Can Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean Stainless Steel

In 2019, black stainless-steel appliances topped the list of creative styles in appliance designs in the UK. By 2020, having smart devices with stylish stainless-steel kitchen fittings became a smart way to streamline the cooking area.

As per industry experts, you should spray rubbing alcohol after washing your stainless-steel items, including sinks and refrigerators. The cleaning agent will disinfect them, and when you buff them, they get a polished look.

Buying Rubbing Alcohol in the UK

You will find brands marketing their products as having 70% isopropyl alcohol when they have only 30%. Check for standard purity levels of 70%, 90% and 99% before buying the product for better effectiveness.

You can purchase rubbing alcohol from pharmacies and supermarkets like Boots, Tesco, and Asda, the UK’s leading stores.

However, top consultants suggest buying the cleaning agent from Amazon, where you can find several brands with user reviews to help you make the right selection.

Final Words

While the UK equivalent of rubbing alcohol is surgical spirit, it goes by different names, such as isopropyl alcohol and rubbing IPA disinfectant. And amidst the prevailing pandemic, hand sanitisers have become essential; they contain rubbing alcohol and a gel-like ingredient like glycerine.

When you wish to buy top-quality rubbing alcohol in the UK, consult an expert. You can then make an informed decision and choose the solution with the right concentration, best suitable for your requirements.

rubbing alcohol uk