Small but Cozy: 3 Expert Tips to Make a Room Look Bigger

Did you know that the average home size in this country is 1600 square feet? It’s no secret that with the growing demand for housing comes a need for larger homes. But many people fall into the category below this average and are living in a space that feels too small.

The good news is, a little house doesn’t need to feel cramped. No matter what the square footage is on your home, you can still maximize the space. Now is the perfect time to try this by following these 3 tips to make a room look bigger.

1. Paint the Walls in a Light Color

Start by painting your walls in light or white shade. Dark painted walls can make the room feel smaller, but using painting techniques to make a room look bigger can really maximize your space by reflecting light. Hang decorative mirrors on the walls to further up the effect.

2. Make a Room Look Bigger By Adding an Area Rug

There are colors that make a room look bigger, so don’t just stop at painting the walls in that hue. Use a white or light shade on the floor in the form of an area rug. There are many beautiful shades of creams, whites, light greys, and others in solid colors and patterns from places like Samad Rugs to check out.

3. Use Strategic Curtain Placement

One of the next tips in making a small room look bigger is a visual trick to fool the eye. Instead of placing the curtain rod right where the window ends, hang your curtains much higher than the top of the window frame. Doing this will have a lengthening effect that will elongate the window, making it seem taller.

Tips to Avoid Making a Room Feel Smaller

One of the first and most obvious things to avoid is clutter. Cramming excess stuff into a room is a surefire way to create a space that feels claustrophobic. Limit your furniture and decor to thoughtfully selected pieces that enhance, rather than clutter the place.

You’ve learned that light colors make a room look bigger, while dark colors make a room smaller. The same applies to dark furniture colors, flooring, and rugs. Choose light textures and small patterns in order to make the room feel airier and less confined.

Make Your Room Look Bigger Today!

Now that you’ve learned how to make a room look bigger, you can incorporate these suggestions into your home and decorate a small room with big results. Maximize your space by adding a light-colored area rug, and paint your walls white or in a soft shade. There are ways to hang curtains that make a room look bigger, so try to place yours well above the window for the best results.

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