4 of the Most Common Household Pests

Whether it’s the common household spider, roaches, ants are some other form of pests; no one wants insects invading their cozy home.

These creepy crawlies can cause a ton of problems in your house, not to mention the way your skin crawls when you find a roach scurrying across your kitchen counter in the middle of the night. In this blog, we’ll talk about a few of the most common household pests and how to control them.

1. Cockroaches

The most common type of pests found in homes has to be the common cockroach. These common household pests reach from a half to two inches long and contaminate everything they touch. They also cause staining on fabrics and other surfaces and carry diseases such as salmonella, hepatitis, and more.

In most cases, bug sprays aren’t very effective at ridding your home of roaches, so it’s best to call in a reputable pest control service like Pegasus Pest Control to eliminate these pests for you.

Prevention is key for cockroaches, so make sure you take away their water and food source and always clean up spills that happen right away.

2. House Spiders

House spiders are the spiders that are most commonly found in homes. These include the common cellar spider, yellow sac spider, domestic house spider, and the hobo spider. The black widow and brown recluse spider can also make their way into homes and are dangerous.

Though spiders can be good for ridding your home of other pests, you don’t want them building their webs and getting comfortable in your house. Sealing your windows, doors, and any cracks in your foundation can help to prevent spiders from making their way inside. Webs, eggs, and spiders themselves should be removed quickly as well.

It’s also a good idea to contact one of your local pest removal companies to spray for the spiders if you have an infestation.

3. Ants

If you find one ant in your home, you can guarantee others aren’t far behind. If you spot one, it’s important to treat your home quickly to avoid a full-blown infestation. As with cockroaches, preventing ants is the best way to avoid an infestation.

Make sure to kill any ants you see, then clean up any sticky substances as soon as a spill happens. Making sure to keep food and water in containers will prevent the ants from invading your kitchen, to begin with.

4. Termites

An infestation of termites is a nightmare for any homeowner who deals with them. White, tan, or even black in appearance, termites spread quickly, as the queen termite only takes one day to lay several thousand eggs, causing irreparable harm to your home if not caught in time.

It’s best to call in a reputable pest removal service to get rid of termites as soon as you suspect them of invading your property.

Prevention of Household Pests is Key

These are just a few of the most common household pests out there. From termites to cockroaches, these pests can do irreparable damage to your property and family, so it’s best to have a reputable pest control service treat your home regularly.

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