Rideshare Accidents: What to Do If Your Uber or Lyft Driver Crashes

Uber currently has over 75 million riders and 3 million drivers worldwide. Unfortunately, crashes are bound to happen. If you’re ever in an Uber or Lyft car accident, it helps to prepare yourself.

The steps you take after a Lyft or Uber crash could impact your ability to win compensation. Otherwise, you might have to pay for your medical bills out of pocket.

Don’t let that happen. Instead, prepare yourself for rideshare accidents with these five tips. Following these steps will help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

1. Move to Safety

First, make sure the driver is safe to move. Instruct them to keep still if they experience neck or back pain.

Try to determine if the car is safe to move. If you notice damaged tires or leaking fluids, get out of the vehicle. Move to safety.

Otherwise, ask the driver to move the vehicle to the side of the road. Move out of the way of oncoming traffic to avoid another car accident.

2. Note Your Injuries

About 4.4 million people are severely injured enough after a car accident to require medical attention. After a Lyft or Uber accident, assess everyone’s injuries. If you need to call for medical help, don’t wait.

Otherwise, make sure to visit a doctor after you leave the scene of the crash. Only a medical professional can assess your medical state.

Get a record of their report. Keep track of any treatments and medications you’ll need.

Your car accident attorney will use this information when building your Uber or Lyft car accident case.

3. Call the Police

It’s normal to feel disoriented after a Lyft or Uber accident. Still, you need to call the police before you leave the scene. The police will file an official report, which you’ll need to build your lawsuit.

Make sure to get the officer’s name and badge number. Ask if you can get a copy of the police report.

4. Gather Evidence

While you’re at the scene of the car accident, look around. Start taking notes.

It’s normal to forget certain details in the days after a crash. Writing down your recollection of what happened will help you avoid forgetting anything.

Take photo and video evidence, too. Physical evidence will help your car accident attorney build your case. Get footage of both cars involved in the crash before leaving the scene.

5. Consult a Lawyer

Make sure to call an experienced car accident attorney right away. Determine if they have experience with Uber or Lyft crashes. Their prior experience could benefit your case.

They’ll know which laws and procedures are relevant to the situation.

With their help, you can fight for the compensation you deserve. You can find an experienced car accident attorney here to get started.

Make a Case: 5 Steps to Take After an Uber or Lyft Accident

Don’t miss an opportunity to fight for compensation after a car accident. Instead, make sure to follow these steps after an Uber or Lyft crash. Following these tips will help you gather the evidence you need to build your case.

Searching for more tips? You’re in the right place.

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