How to Prepare For a Liposuction Procedure

In the US, 73.6% of adults are either overweight or obese. This is an alarmingly high number, and you might be doing everything you can to be healthy.

However, there comes a point where fat can be stubborn. And no matter what you do, it just won’t come off.

In that case, there’s liposuction, which is a surgical procedure that gives your weight loss a little boost!

If you’re having a liposuction procedure soon, or if you’re interested in one, you might be nervous about what it entails. Here’s a brief guide on how to prepare for liposuction.

Do They Sedate You for Liposuction?

When it comes to liposuction procedures, one of the first things you might be worried about is any pain or discomfort. For bigger procedures, they’ll put you under. But if your procedure is a smaller one, they’ll just give you local anesthesia.

So if you’re wondering, “does liposuction hurt,” it won’t either way.

What to Do Before Your Procedure

If it’s your first time for liposuction, you might have some anxiety over it. We’re here to explain what you need to do to prepare for it so your mind’s more at ease.

Your doctor will first ask you to get some lab testing done. This might result in your current medications being adjusted or you being put on certain ones. You might also be told at this point that you’re not a good candidate, based on your results.

You’ll also have to quit smoking, stop sunbathing, and avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs. This includes some herbal supplements and even vitamin E.

Also, because this is an extensive procedure, you’ll want to arrange for someone to get you to and from surgery. You’ll also want to get someone to take care of you for the first 24 hours after your procedure.

What to Do Right Before

On the day of your surgery, you’ll want to stop eating 8 hours before and stop drinking 6 hours before. Make sure you shower the night before and not the day of, and don’t put any moisturizer or body creams on your body on the big day.

When you get dressed, put on some comfortable and loose clothes, as well as shoes. Refrain from wearing jewelry, as the pieces will probably need to be taken off for your surgery anyway.

What to Do After

The main thing to do is to listen to your doctor’s instructions. Wear the compression garment for as long as they say. Also, change the bandages and care for the drains as they tell you.

You might be in some pain, so if your doctor’s prescribed you pain medications, you can take these as recommended. Get someone to help with tasks around the house since you won’t be able to perform normal activities for a while.

Book Your Liposuction Procedure Today

Now that you know more about how to prepare for a liposuction procedure, it’s probably inspired some confidence for you to finally book an appointment. In that case, we wish you all the luck in your weight loss journey!

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