How to Learn the Times Tables?

How to Learn the Times Tables?

A times table or a multiplication table can be defined as a mathematical table that is used to represent the multiplication operation for a system. The times table is used to denote the multiplication of two numbers. Multiplication is essentially the repeated addition of numbers; thus, times table charts help kids to learn this concept quickly and accurately. In a multiplication chart, one set of numbers is written in the left column, and the other set is written on the top row. The products of any two corresponding numbers are represented as a rectangular array in the table. In this article, we will see how to learn the times’ tables effectively.

Learning How to Read a Chart

Once a child understands the concept of multiplying, he needs to know how to read a multiplication chart to improve his speed and accuracy in performing mental computations. Let us take a look at how to interpret a times table chart. Suppose we have two numbers, 3 and 7. To find the product, we go through the following steps.

  • Step 1: The first number, i.e., 3, is represented in the leftmost column, while the second number 7 is denoted by the topmost row.
  • Step 2: To reach the product, we have to move seven steps to the right from the number 3 in the left column. Similarly, we have to move three steps below from the number 7 in the top row to get the product 21.

Solve Worksheets

Once a child is comfortable with tables 2 to 20 by using the multiplication chart method, it is time to move on to speed up the process of computations. He should start performing calculations with the help of a pencil and paper. Thus, solving worksheet questions is the next step. Most worksheets start with simple questions that involve the direct multiplication of two or more numbers consisting of different digits. As the questions are arranged at a gradually increasing level of difficulty, students can develop a strong foundation in multiplication. It also acts as a medium for confidence building. Kids can move from straightforward and simple sections to more complicated questions. The more demanding sections might include word problems on multiplication. Overall, worksheets help children get a flavor of the type of questions that can be framed on this topic.

Joining an Institution

Multiplication is an arithmetic operator and is used not only for school subjects but also in daily life. Thus, a child must have a strong foundation in multiplication to be successful. It is best if you join an online coaching class such as Cuemath. At Cuemath, the math experts place extra focus on developing strong mathematical concepts so that a child can understand the subject rather than just study for the purpose of clearing examinations. They use innovative techniques such as incorporating fun facts, history lessons, maths quizzes, games, puzzles, visual simulations, and apps. By following these methods, kids master the subject within no time and have a high level of motivation. Thus, to ensure that a child gets a holistic development environment, it is best to join a tutoring institute.


Hopefully, this article gives you an insight into how to read a multiplication table and what steps to follow in order to instill an in-depth knowledge of the subject. The end goal is to inculcate the ability to solve any level of problems. You should not be studying just to pass an exam but to satiate your curiosity about that subject.