How to Fix Common Home Electrical Problems

When you’re a new homeowner, making small repairs around the house often begins to feel like a full-time job. After all, there’s always something to work on.

This includes electrical problems that seem to come out of nowhere. It’s important to remember that even small electrical issues in your home can be complicated and dangerous, thus they should never be ignored.

The key is to make repairs before small problems grow into major nightmares.

This article takes a look at how to fix home electrical problems in order to keep you and your family as safe as possible. Keep reading to get the inner scope.

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Light Bulbs Burning Out

Let’s start by discussing bulbs that burn out frequently. This problem is typically caused by installing bulbs that are the incorrect wattage for the fixture, are cheap bulbs, or haven’t been properly screwed into the light fixture.

The best strategy is to remove the bulb, check the wattage, and then replace it with a new bulb. If this doesn’t do the trick, you’ll probably need to consider replacing the light fixture.

Electrical Outlets Not Working

When an outlet doesn’t seem to be working, start by testing a lamp or a small appliance into the outlet, and then test the other outlets in the same room. If the lamp works in the other outlets, check the breaker.

If an individual outlet seems faulty, you can either replace the outlet or call a professional electrician.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights are typically a sign of either a bad bulb or plug. It’s also possible that the circuit is overloaded. Your best bet is to purchase a voltmeter at a local hardware store to test the voltage before scheduling an appointment with an electrical specialist.

Florance Electrical is a great resource for home electrical repairs.

Light Bulbs Getting Really Hot

Have you noticed that a particular light bulb is hot to the tough? This is known as “overlapping”.

If the bulb has black streaks or soot along the base, the problem is definitely overlapping. The most common solution is to switch to a lower wattage bulb.

High Energy Bills

When you notice a rise in your monthly energy bill, it’s time to look for ways to reduce the amount of electricity your home consumes. The best strategy is to remember to turn off lights in empty rooms, unplug appliances that aren’t being used, turn down your water heater to a lower setting, and set your thermostat at optimum temperature.

Circuit Breaker Tripping

It’s important to understand that circuit breakers can trip for any number of reasons. For example, you might have overloaded plugs in certain rooms or rogue live wires could be touching each other.

The easiest solution for an overloaded plug is to redistribute appliances throughout the room or simply plug them in as needed.

If you seem to have a short somewhere in the house, you’d be wise to have a home electrician take a look.

A Guide to How to Fix Common Home Electrical Problems

Taking proper care of your house isn’t easy. Fortunately, these tips for dealing with common home electrical problems will help make the maintenance process a little less stressful.

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