5 Signs You Need a New Roof for Your House

Have you been putting off regular roof maintenance? That’s not surprising. Most people keep up most of their homes as they should but forget about looking at the roof over their heads.

If you’re having problems with your roof, you need to know for sure if it’s time for a new one. Luckily, there are signs you need a new roof. Below are five warning signs you need a new roof that you need to watch out for.

1. Missing Shingles

Missing shingles on your roof can completely change the look of your house, and with nothing to cover it, water will flow right into your home.

In some cases, you might be able to get away with replacing and repairing your shingles. You can do this when there are only a few shingles causing issues. However, if you have too many shingles missing or damaged, it might be time for a new roof.

2. Leaks

If you’re noticing leaks and water is getting into your home through your roof, then you might need a new roof. If you have a single leak that you can quickly patch, you might be able to avoid a completely new roof.

However, a bad leak won’t be so easy. In many cases, your roof will continue leaking after you repair a leaking area because of how far the leak will have spread. You’ll need to replace your roof to stop the leaking.

3. Rot

Rot occurs when water is left on your roof for too long. This standing water causes wood to decay. You may not see this rot right away, but over time, some of your shingles will start to disintegrate.

Unfortunately, rot can also spread. Unless you take care of rot quickly, it will begin affecting other areas of your roof. If it spreads too far, you’ll need a roof replacement.

4. Sagging

Sagging can be a big problem, especially if your roof is sagging over your bedroom. A sagging roof happens when too much weight is on one area of your roof for too long. It can happen because of ponding water or debris.

Sagging like this can cause structural issues. If left alone for too long, a sagging roof can cause your roof to collapse. You’ll need to talk to someone about roof installation before a disaster scenario occurs.

5. High Energy Bills

If your energy bills have been on the rise, especially during the winter, then you might need a new roof. This is because a new roof can insulate your house better and keep more heat inside.

You’ll need to roof inspector to inspect your roof to find any leaks or insulation problems. If the problem is widespread, then replacing a roof is a choice you’ll need to explore.

Don’t Ignore Signs You Need a New Roof

Your roof is one of the most essential elements of your home, so don’t ignore any signs you need a new roof. You never know what problems can lead to structural issues that can cause a hazard. Get things fixed as soon as possible to avoid future problems.

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