Small Upgrades to Make Your Home Feel Bigger

Small Upgrades to Make Your Home Feel Bigger
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In the unique landscape of San Bernardino, California, where the scenic beauty of the San Bernardino Mountains meets the vibrant urban life, homeowners often look for ways to enhance their living spaces. Given the diverse architectural styles, from charming historic homes to more modern dwellings, making a home feel larger and more open is a common goal among residents. 

San Bernardino’s sunny climate and picturesque views offer a great opportunity to bring the outdoors in, creating a sense of expansiveness even in smaller homes. However, not everyone is ready or able to embark on large-scale renovations. Fortunately, several small upgrades can effectively make a home in San Bernardino feel bigger without the need for extensive remodeling. 

These improvements, ranging from maximizing natural light to optimizing storage and choosing the right color palettes, are particularly beneficial in the city’s varied housing landscape. This article aims to provide San Bernardino homeowners with practical and achievable tips to enhance the spaciousness of their homes. 

Whether you live in a cozy downtown apartment or a suburban house, these simple yet impactful changes can transform your living space, making it feel more open, airy, and inviting.

1. Maximizing Natural Light with Windows

Natural light is a powerful tool in creating the illusion of space in any room.

  • Consider window types that maximize light intake, such as picture windows or skylights, especially in dark areas of the home.
  • Local residents of the San Bernardino area can take advantage of the sunny California climate to brighten their homes. When looking to enhance the natural light in your home, a quick search for a San Bernardino Window Replacement company near me can provide you with a list of professional services to upgrade your windows, significantly brightening and opening up your space.

The addition of ample natural light not only makes rooms feel larger but also brings the added benefit of a better connection with the outdoors, enhancing overall well-being.

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2. Mirrors to Reflect Space

The strategic placement of mirrors can work wonders in amplifying the sense of space in a home.

  • Placing mirrors opposite windows can reflect natural light and outdoor views, effectively doubling the visual space of a room.
  • Large, full-length mirrors or mirrored furniture pieces can also create a more expansive feel in tight spaces.

Mirrors are a cost-effective and stylish way to enhance the feeling of spaciousness, making them ideal for small apartments or homes with limited square footage.

3. Smart Storage Solutions

Efficient storage solutions are key to maintaining a clutter-free and spacious home.

  • Opt for built-in storage units, under-bed storage, and furniture with hidden storage to minimize clutter.
  • Utilizing vertical space with wall-mounted shelves or tall, narrow cabinets can provide ample storage without sacrificing floor space.

Organizing and storing belongings not only frees up a room but also contributes to a more orderly and spacious environment, which is crucial in smaller homes.

4. Light Color Palettes

Colors play a significant role in influencing the perception of space, with light colors being particularly effective in making rooms appear larger.

  • Opt for light, neutral colors for walls and large furniture pieces to create a sense of openness and airiness.
  • Accentuate with bolder colors through accessories or artwork to add depth and interest without overwhelming the space.

The use of a light color palette is a simple yet impactful way to visually expand a room, making it feel more open and less cramped.

5. Scaling Furniture to Room Size

Choosing furniture that is proportionate to the size of the room is crucial in maintaining a sense of space.

  • Select sleek, compact furniture pieces that fit comfortably in the room without dominating the space.
  • Consider multi-functional or foldable furniture for small spaces to maximize utility without cluttering the room.

Appropriately scaled furniture not only ensures that the room remains functional and comfortable but also helps maintain an open, airy feel, which is especially important in smaller living spaces.

6. Open Shelving and Glass Cabinets

Open shelving and glass-front cabinets can create a more spacious feel in kitchens and living areas.

  • Replacing solid cabinet doors with glass or open shelving can visually open up the space, making it feel less cramped and more airy.
  • Organize items on open shelves neatly to avoid a cluttered look, and choose decorative pieces that enhance the room’s aesthetic.

This approach not only adds to the functionality of storage areas but also contributes to the overall openness of the room, making spaces feel larger and more inviting.

7. Enhancing Ceiling Height Illusion

The perceived height of your ceilings can significantly impact how big a room feels.

  • Painting ceilings a lighter shade than the walls or using vertical stripes can visually raise the height of a room.
  • Installing low-profile lighting fixtures and choosing tall, slender furniture can also help create the illusion of higher ceilings.

Techniques that draw the eye upward can trick the mind into perceiving more vertical space, thereby making rooms feel more spacious and less confined.

8. Streamlined Window Treatments

Choosing the right window treatments is crucial in maximizing light and space.

  • Opt for sheer, lightweight fabrics that allow natural light to filter through while offering privacy.
  • Hanging curtains high and wide beyond the window frame can also create the illusion of larger windows, thereby enhancing the sense of space.

Avoid heavy, dark drapes that can make a room feel smaller; instead, choose treatments that complement the room’s color scheme and maximize light for a more spacious feel.

9. Outdoor Connection

Establishing a visual connection to the outdoors can significantly expand the living space.

  • Large windows, glass doors, or even strategically placed mirrors can help connect indoor spaces with the outdoor environment.
  • Designing inviting outdoor areas like patios or gardens that visually blend with the interior can create a seamless transition, enhancing the overall feeling of space.

This connection not only brings in more natural light but also extends the living area, making interiors feel more expansive and integrated with the outdoor setting.

10. Lighting to Open Up Spaces

Adequate lighting is key to making a home feel larger and more open.

  • Utilize a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to illuminate every part of a room, eliminating dark corners that can make spaces feel smaller.
  • Consider the scale of lighting fixtures and choose designs that complement the size of the room without overpowering it.

Well-planned lighting can transform the atmosphere of a room, creating a bright, airy feel that enhances the perception of space.


Making your home feel larger doesn’t necessarily require significant structural changes. Simple upgrades, such as incorporating open shelving, enhancing the illusion of ceiling height, choosing streamlined window treatments, connecting with outdoor spaces, and optimizing lighting, can make a substantial difference. 

Each of these strategies focuses on maximizing the existing space and enhancing its perceived openness, showing that thoughtful, minor adjustments can effectively transform your living environment. By experimenting with these tips, homeowners can find creative ways to make their spaces feel more expansive and welcoming, turning every corner of their home into a comfortable and enjoyable haven.