Your water bill just arrived this month—and it’s through the roof! Water can be incredibly expensive, so you might be wondering how you can consume less, both to save money and to be more environmentally friendly.
This is especially true in dry areas prone to drought, as water conservation measures might be put in place, requiring residents to use less.
Want to learn more about water-saving? If so, keep reading to find five easy ways to save water and lower your water bills each month.
1. Take Shorter Showers
Showers can use up to five gallons of water per minute, which quickly adds up each week. Could you cut your shower down by at least a minute per day?
Or, try turning the tap off while you lather your hair or shave your legs, as this can be a big help too.
One of our top water-saving tips is to take shorter showers each day and limit baths, which can waste huge amounts of water. You can also boost your shower’s efficiency by installing more energy efficient shower handles—click for more.
2. Replace Leaky Faucets
Do you have any leaky taps? If so, you’ll want to replace them as soon as possible.
It can help to call a plumber and have them thoroughly inspect your plumbing systems, checking for leaky faucets or pipes. Even tiny leaks can add up over time, so replace any leaky water pipes to stop water wastage.
Look for water-saving devices too, like kitchen faucets that are more advanced when it comes to water use.
3. Turn Off the Taps
Many of us leave the taps on when brushing our teeth or washing our face, but this is a serious problem when it comes to water use. Why run the taps when you’re not using them?
By taking a few seconds to turn the taps off and on while you brush your teeth, you can stop water from going to waste.
4. Collect Rainwater
If you use plenty of water for your plants or garden, we recommend collecting rainwater. Instead of using tap water to water your plants, put large containers outside to collect water each time it rains.
Then, use that water for your garden̦—it’s a great way to recycle water and will also help you save money.
5. Don’t Wash Half Loads of Laundry
When it’s time to do laundry, don’t wash a few items at a time. Wait until you have a full load of laundry, as washing machines use a large amount of water for each cycle.
Water-Saving Is Easy With These Tips
Water-saving helps the planet, saves you money, and can help prevent droughts, so it’s something everyone should take seriously. Using the ideas above, come up with a few new ways to change your daily habits, using less water.
Over time, your water use will decrease and you’ll feel much better knowing that your water habits are good for the environment!
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