Is It Safe to Take SARMs? Here’s What Science Says!

Are SARMs bad for you?

The growth of the SARMs market makes lots of fitness enthusiasts curious about these supplements. After all, they’re handy when you’re looking to bulk up. Your safety is more important, so knowing how to take SARMs is a must.

Read on as we discuss what SARMs can do for you.

What are SARMs?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are similar to steroids. Both bind to your androgen receptor and trigger DNA changes. It increases your muscle growth capabilities.

However, steroids are not as precise. They can affect various other body parts. It leads to various side effects like hair loss and acne.

As for SARMs, they’re “tissue-selective.” It means they target some muscles without undesirable chain reactions. They come as pills instead of injectables.

Where Did SARMs Originate?

In the early 90s, Professor James Dalton worked on prostate cancer pioneer treatments. He identified the Andarine molecule by accident—the first SARM. It had little effect on prostate cancer treatments.

However, Andarine contributed to incredible muscle growth. Several years later, Dalton made a more refined version, Ostarine. During clinical trials, a 12-week course of the drug given to older adults increased their stair climb power by 15%.

How Do SARMs Work?

The testosterone hormone binds with androgen receptors. They help grow facial hair and muscles and lose body fat. The androgen receptors become Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), convert into estrogen, and bind with the cell receptors.

The process will naturally continue until your body stops making as much testosterone. It happens when you get older. With SARMs, the cells continue to make androgens for muscle growth.

Older people and cancer patients benefit the most from SARMs. It’s effective against chronic fatigue, anemia, and osteoporosis. Some scientific studies claim that it’s also great for treating obesity, boosting appetite, and preventing muscle wastage.

How Do SARMS Affect Your Body?

Before looking for SARMs for sale, ask yourself, “are SARMs worth it?” To determine their worth, you must know what they do for your body. Here are some:

1. Increased Physical Performance

SARMs help you work out longer without experiencing exhaustion. If you’re doing strength training, you need stamina, power, and improvements over time. A lot of people won’t have these attributes innately, and taking SARMs helps compensate.

Adequate nutrition is important before and after exercising. To further prevent muscle wasting, take health supplements like SARMs. They boost both motivation and strength, the two crucial factors for muscle gains.

2. Better Weight Loss

Losing weight takes lots of hard work and determination. However, some fats are stubborn and stick to various muscles and vital organs. To get rid of them, use SARMs.

Following the same workout routine and diet will yield better results with SARMs. If you’re obese, you can benefit from them. You can avoid some of the most insidious illnesses associated with the condition.

Never rely on SARMs if you don’t work out and follow a healthy diet plan.

3. Gain Muscle Mass

Losing weight isn’t the only component of aesthetics. To have a beautiful body, you must shape it by building adequate muscles. The following determines your muscle mass:

  • Nutrition
  • Genetics
  • Training history
  • Lifestyle

For steroids, they can bulk up your fat and muscle. SARMs are better because they only target your lean muscles. It’s healthier and more effective if you aim to gain muscle mass.

You need not worry about the negative effects of steroids when building muscle mass. Your liver, kidney, and other organs are safe.

4. Faster Bone Healing

SARMs have a little scientific history of curing tumors. However, the supplements are more recognizable because of their interactions with your body’s skeletal system. They can heal bone-related diseases.

If your bones are weak, brittle, fractured, or have poor density, take SARM supplements. They can heal and strengthen them. Use them to increase your bone density while reducing inflammation and getting rid of osteoporosis.

5. Prevent Muscle Wasting

Are your muscles wasting? Turn back time and undo it using SARMs. People with muscle atrophy will gain more lean muscles when taking these supplements. It’s an important benefit when it intervenes with your daily life.

Muscle wasting can either be hereditary or developed through the aging process. If you don’t treat it soon, the condition gets worse. Sometimes, you won’t even have noticeable symptoms.

Disadvantages of Using SARMs

Despite the wonderful effects of SARMs in your body, they also come with some drawbacks. When using these supplements, prepare to deal with the following disadvantages:

1. Effects on Other Organs

The tissue-selective features of SARMs enable them to bind with both muscles and bones. However, some studies found that these supplements contribute to liver damage. It’s unconfirmed yet, but they also believe that they increase the risk of stroke.

2. Limited Capabilities

Some SARMs must stack with other SARMs to become more effective. It’s especially when you’re attempting to achieve something specific. For example, a SARM variant will be potent for fat loss as long as they work with other SARMs.

If your particular SARM choice has side effects, stacking is the worst. It doubles the chances of getting them. Think about your SARM options and select the ones with the least harmful effects.

3. Supply Scarcity

SARMs are available for purchase on the internet. However, specific SARMs have high demand. It’s easy for most online stores to run out of stock when fitness enthusiasts use these supplements.

The worst part is that brick-and-mortar stores won’t sell SARMs. Sometimes, you must force yourself to try out other brands. It’s not ideal if you need a specific product for your fitness goals.

4. Restrictions

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) bans the use of SARMs in sports. If you’re an athlete competing in official events, the organizers can disqualify you. It’s why you’re better off using traditional methods of gaining lean muscle and body mass.

5. No Regulatory Body

Since SARMs aren’t as widely accepted as other supplements, it lacks a regulatory body. If you plan to use these compounds for your exercises, do your homework and use the internet for research. Look for brands with a great reputation and online reviews.

Different SARM Types

Knowing what SARMs do is half the battle. The other half is knowing what SARMs to use for your situation. Here are some of the best ones around:

1. Ostarine

The most popular SARM in the market is Ostarine (MK2866). If you exercise at the gym, taking this supplement helps preserve your muscle gains. You can do it even when undergoing a caloric deficit.

Ostarine mimics the effects of the testosterone hormone. Its original design was to treat various illnesses due to testosterone deficiencies. Like all SARMs, it will bind with your body’s androgen receptors.

This supplement has no certified research proving its bodybuilding effects. However, most people using Ostarine experienced success in muscle building.

MK-2866 will give results even if your dosage is as low as one milligram. It can improve bone density while preventing bone loss. It’s beneficial for powerlifters and bodybuilders since it minimizes your risk of bone fractures.

The normal dosage of this drug is between 10 and 25 mg for six to ten weeks. It decreases testosterone production when consumed past this period. To prevent developing Gynecomastia, have an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) handy.

Ostarine is non-steroidal, and it isn’t real testosterone despite working in almost the same way. It has minimal side effects compared to traditional androgenic substances.

Regardless, stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation, or nausea are common side effects. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid Ostarine. During these sensitive times, keep it natural.

2. Testolone

RAD-140’s anabolic to androgenic ratio is 90:1. It means you can gain more muscle while losing more weight. You’ll feel stronger without suffering various side effects.

It works because of its amazing affinity for your body’s androgen-receptor cells. Compared to other SARMs, Testolone is extremely selective. It won’t affect other steroid hormone receptors.

Studies find that RAD-140 binds well to your bone and muscle receptors. It blocks both receptors in the breasts and prostate, decreasing the risk of cancer.

Anabolic steroids and testosterone replacement therapy are more dangerous when treating muscle wasting than Testolone. This SARM won’t overstimulate androgen receptors and provoke various cancers.

Aside from increased lean muscle mass, Testolone can boost brain processing power. Earlier trials say that it reduces the death rate of brain cells while aging. It’s more promising since tests didn’t produce more brain abnormalities.

Take this supplement twice a day at 4-12 mg doses. Ensure that you do it within the next four to six weeks. Take a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after the duration to avoid getting some negative effects.

RAD-140 users report nausea the first time they consume the supplement. Depending on your dosage and length of cycle, you might experience lethargy or insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping, Testolone isn’t the best.

3. Ibutamoren

MK677 is a secretion-boosting, non-peptide receptor. It increases growth hormone secretions and IGF-1 levels because it copies ghrelin’s effects. It does so without affecting cortisol levels.

Note that Ibutamoren isn’t part of the SARM family. However, it’s still a great way of bulking up if you’re a bodybuilder. The best part is that you can pair it with various SARMs to achieve greater effects.

Your dosage is between 7 mg and 20 mg. It’s a non-hormonal supplement, meaning your testosterone levels stay the same. It energizes you, increasing your endurance while improving muscle mass.

4. Ligandrol

LGD-4033 is a SARM that prevents bone and muscle loss due to osteoporosis. It’s primarily for women because of their higher risk of the disease. It’s also one of the few SARMs with promising trial results.

Ligandrol has a high level of selectivity when bonding to androgen receptor cells. It opts for receptors found in muscles and bones. It also works fast since your lean body mass increases within 21 days.

Proper dosage rates range from 0.1 mg to 1 mg. It’s a testament to the potency of this SARM. Women build muscle slower than men because of testosterone levels, but LGD-4033 can help compensate.

Various tests confirm that Ligandrol can improve bones and muscles without affecting other sensitive organs like your prostate. Other benefits include enhanced sexual functions.

As for side effects, some users may have stomach problems like abdominal pains or nausea. Your diet and the length of your cycle affect these.

5. YK-11

This supplement has the usual characteristics found in SARMs. However, its defining feature is its ability to inhibit myostatin, inhibiting muscle cell growth and differentiation. It’s the best SARM if you want quick results.

Myostatin is also the leading cause of muscle wasting in older people and those with chronic illnesses. It does so while improving growth rates and boosting follistatin expression. It’s a protein that helps grow muscles and increases fertility and metabolism.

YK-11 studies are scarce, so its side effects aren’t as definite. Some users report experiencing joint and tendon pains. Avoid it if you’re breastfeeding or pregnant since it has uncertain effects.

6. Andarine S-4

For cutting fat, Andarine is one of the best SARMs around. It comes from GTx, Inc., the same company that made Ostarine. Its original function is to prevent both muscular wasting and osteoporosis.

Improving muscle mass while aiding with fat loss is what makes S-4 unique. It’s the look that allows you to achieve a well-cut physique. It’s the best option while undergoing the cutting cycle without taking too many supplements.

One curious side effect of taking Andarine is hair loss. However, it changes depending on the person taking it. As usual, never take this supplement if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Are SARMs Bad for You? Of Course Not!

The side effects of SARMs are minimal and often not serious. When asking, “are SARMs bad for you?” the answer is no. It’s safe, as long as you follow the right dosage levels and pair it with exercise and a proper diet.

Want to see more SARMs results? Read our other posts today!