5 Excellent Ways to Keep Your San Diego Window in Good Condition

With Americans, on average, spending around 24 hours on cleaning per month, it’s easy to get exhausted taking care of the house. A lot of things get neglected.

Picture this, though: it’s a lovely sunny day in California, and you open up your blinds to let the sunlight in — only it’s ruined by the smudge marks and dirt on your San Diego window.

It’s important to keep up with the condition of your window, but some people aren’t sure where to start! Here’s how.

1. Wipe Them Down Regularly

It’s important to wipe down both sides of your window regularly, as this will keep them clean.

You can get special wipes, use a glass cleaner, or make a DIY cleaner of your own! The more often you do this, however, the less work it will be because there will be less of a build-up of grime and dirt.

2. Check Wood Frames

Wood frames are prone to rot, so it’s essential you check for this and scrape it out.

The sooner you get rid of that root, the less likely there is to be structural window damage. If you leave things like this too long, you may end up having to get windows replacement over window repair.

While that’s not the end of the world, it’s better to take care of your windows in the first place.

3. Inspect Them

You should inspect your windows as the seasons change to make sure everything is still fine with them, especially if you go through seasons with extreme weather.

The most important thing about window maintenance is not just making sure they’re clean, but making sure you’re safe. Check for any signs of damage and get window repair done as soon as possible if there are any.

4. Check the Locks

You should check the locks on your window every now and again to make sure they still work. The last thing you want is a nasty surprise in the form of a break-in because you didn’t realize the locks on your windows were broken.

This only take a few minutes to do, and every month or so should do the trick!

5. Don’t Forget the Tracks

When cleaning your windows, don’t just remember the glass. Remember the tracks too!

If dirt builds up there, you’re going to have a hard time opening and closing the window. The more it’s left to build up, the worse the cleaning job will be when the time comes.

Staying on top of it is much easier than catching up later.

Take Care of Your San Diego Window!

Make sure you take care of your San Diego window so you can enjoy the sun shining through it without worrying about the problems!

Although it can seem like a pain to add something else to the to-do list of the house, it can save you a lot of hassle down the line.

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